New Singapore Visa Fees

Singapore visa


Welcome to the ultimate guide to understanding Singapore Visa Fees! Navigating the intricacies of visa applications can be daunting, but fear not. In this detailed article, we’ll delve into every aspect of Singapore Visa Fees, shedding light on VISA Fee, Service Fee, associated taxes, and the total amount. Whether you’re planning a vacation, business trip, or relocation to Singapore, having a clear understanding of the visa costs is crucial. Let’s embark on this enlightening journey together.

Unveiling the Secrets: Singapore Visa Fees Explained

Breaking Down the Costs

Understanding the breakdown of Singapore Visa Fees is the first step towards a hassle-free application process. Let’s dissect the components:

Singapore Visa Fees

VISA Fee – 1912 INR (depends on sgd rate to inr)

The VISA Fee constitutes a significant portion of the total cost. As of now, it stands at 1912 INR or 30 SGD, subject to fluctuations based on the exchange rate to INR. This fee covers the administrative expenses associated with processing your visa application.

Service Fee – 500.00 INR (depend on travel agent)

In addition to the VISA Fee, applicants are required to pay a Service Fee, typically amounting to 500.00 INR. However, it’s essential to note that this fee may vary depending on the chosen travel agent or visa processing service.

Total Amount – 2412.00 INR

Summing up the VISA Fee and Service Fee yields the Total Amount, which stands at 2412.00 INR. This comprehensive figure encompasses the core expenses involved in securing your Singapore visa.

Navigating Additional Charges

Beyond the fundamental fees, applicants should be aware of supplementary charges that contribute to the total cost:

CGST (9 %) – 45.00

The Central Goods and Services Tax (CGST) levy, amounting to 45.00 INR, is applicable to visa transactions. This tax is collected by the government and contributes to various developmental initiatives.

SGST (9 %) – 45.00

Similarly, the State Goods and Services Tax (SGST) at a rate of 9%, totaling 45.00 INR, is imposed on visa-related transactions. This tax plays a vital role in bolstering state-level infrastructure and services.

TDS Amount – 0.00

The Tax Deducted at Source (TDS) Amount stands at 0.00 INR for Singapore Visa Fees. While TDS is a common feature in financial transactions, its absence in this context is noteworthy.

Total Amount – 2502.00 INR

After factoring in the CGST and SGST charges, the revised Total Amount for Singapore Visa Fees amounts to 2502.00 INR. It’s essential to account for these additional charges to avoid any discrepancies in your budget planning.

Navigating the Application Process

Armed with a comprehensive understanding of the associated costs, let’s delve into the intricacies of the visa application process for Singapore.

Submission of Documents

The first step involves gathering and submitting the requisite documents, including passport copies, photographs, and proof of financial stability.

Payment of Fees

Upon document submission, applicants are required to pay the prescribed fees, including the VISA Fee and Service Fee, through authorized channels.

Application Processing

Once the fees are settled, the visa application undergoes processing, during which authorities assess the applicant’s eligibility and documentation.

Visa Approval

Upon successful evaluation, applicants receive notification regarding the approval of their visa, paving the way for travel to Singapore.

FAQs: Your Burning Questions Answered

Que 1. How can I calculate the VISA Fee in my local currency?

The VISA Fee is subject to the prevailing exchange rate. To calculate the fee in your local currency, multiply the SGD amount by the current exchange rate to INR.

Que 2. Are there any expedited processing options available?

Yes, certain travel agencies offer expedited processing options for an additional fee. It’s advisable to inquire about these services at the time of application.

Que 3. Can I pay the fees online?

Yes, many authorized payment gateways facilitate online payment of Singapore Visa Fees, providing convenience and efficiency to applicants.

Que 4. Is the VISA Fee refundable in case of application rejection?

No, the VISA Fee is non-refundable, regardless of the outcome of the application. It’s essential to ensure that all documentation meets the prescribed criteria to avoid rejection.

Que 5. Are there any exemptions or discounts available for certain categories of applicants?

While certain diplomatic and official passport holders may be eligible for exemptions, standard applicants are subject to the prescribed fees without discounts.

Que 6. Can I track the status of my visa application?

Yes, applicants can track the status of their visa application online through designated portals, providing real-time updates on the progress.


In conclusion, navigating the realm of Singapore Visa Fees requires meticulous planning and understanding of the associated costs. By familiarizing yourself with the VISA Fee, Service Fee, taxes, and additional charges, you can streamline the application process and embark on your Singaporean journey with confidence. Remember, thorough preparation is the key to a seamless visa application experience.

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